Wednesday May 29, 2024

Episode 104: Four Questions to Manage Your Summer Stress Part 2

Hello, hi!

Welcome back to Medium Lady Talks! In this episode, I continues my deep dive into how to free yourself from summer stress with the final two of the four essential questions. Building on last year's insightful Episode 70, "My Life-Changing Hack for Having the Best Summer Ever," and the first part of this series in Episode 103, Erin provides practical advice to help listeners avoid becoming overwhelmed by summer's demands.

Episode Highlights:
1. Name your Top Three Summer Experiences: Erin shares her top three personal summer experiences that she aims to enjoy. Emphasizing the importance of individual joy over imposed expectations, she encourages listeners to identify and prioritize their own key experiences for a fulfilling summer.

2. How will you Find Rest this Summer?: Rest isn't just about sleep. Erin explores various forms of rest to recharge during the busy summer months.

Erin's discussion revolves around the empowering quote, "In between stimulus and response there is a space. Within that space lies your ability to choose, and in that choice, you find your freedom." She encourages listeners to embrace freedom over perfectionism and make mindful choices to enhance their summer experience.

 Erin invites everyone to join her in-person workshop, "Chase the Good," on June 8th in Burlington, Ontario. This event will provide tools and strategies to help participants recognize and amplify the good in their lives. Tickets are available via the link!

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