Thursday Jun 20, 2024

Episode 106: Six Things Saving My Summer

Hello, hi! Today’s episode is our quarterly “five things list” but instead of five things I’ll share SIX things that are saving my summer. You're going to love today's episode if you find, like I do, that at this point of the season, you're rushing trying to cram as much life as possible into every minute of every day. I don’t know about you but I need permission to slow down! And this kind of list, my favourite foods, apps, clothes and yes even a few mindset tricks, is just the ticket to getting out of those limiting beliefs and feeling the relief that a positive reframe can bring. This episode I’ll share the six things saving my summer, and I even got to share what YOU told me was saving your summer this year as well!


Thoughts and Musings

  • Lately I’ve just been feeling as thought I’ve been cramming more and more into the same amount of time
  • I’ve come to the conclusion that I need to figure out a way to slow down
  • This leads me to consider my limiting believe that “I don’t have enough time” and “I can’t slow down”
  • What makes your list of things saving your summer? Anything that you want more of, or the things you think you “should” be doing this summer
  • There’s no limit to what makes the list! Don’t edit or censor yourself - whatever ends up on your list is unique and applicable to you. 
  • Some of my summer fatigue comes from making lots of decisions in every day and some of the things on my list help to minimize over thinking and decision fatigue

The SIX Things

  1. Amazon bike shorts under my favourite summer dresses
  2. Treats and meals on auto-pilot - removing as many decisions as possible when it comes to eating and treats 
  3. The Finch Self Care App - here’s my friend code! J16CFE2T4A
  4. ALL of my Friendships - if you’re my friend, thank you for saving my summer - and if we’re in a group chat you are a real one
  5. Getting 10K steps a day - it’s annoying but this really works
  6. A new exercise to reframe my mindset around Limiting Beliefs

When I went to my stories on Instagram to hear from you - listeners! Here’s what you shared:

  • A big family road trip adventure
  • Confidence to operate the new barbeque
  • Living each day like it’s the BEST DAY EVER
  • EVA Birkenstocks in every colour
  • Lizard time - purposefully going outside to sit in the sun
  • Air dried hair
  • Backyard pool
  • Planning lunch ideas ahead of time to avoid getting in a rut
  • Moving my workouts to first thing in the morning and having time to read during the day

Other Episodes referenced

Episode 104 Part Two Four Questions to Free Yourself From Summer Stress

Episode 103: Part One Four Questions to Free Yourself From Summer Stress


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